Thalaivi is an Indian upcoming multilingual biographical film about the life of J. Jayalalithaa, politician and film actress who served six terms as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, with Kangana Ranaut playing the role of Jayalalithaa. The film is directed by A. L. Vijay.
Kangana gained 20kgs to get into the skin of actor-turned-politician Jayalalithaa. For the actor, the film is her ‘most ambitious project’. Earlier, she mentioned how she did every possible thing to execute the character of Jayalalitha to perfection. Taking to Twitter, Kangana wrote, “I played the first superhuman girl on Indian screen, thanks to my body, a rare combination of dainty yet strong looking. In my 30s, I had to gain 20 kgs for Thalaivi and do Bharatanatyam, it left my back severely damaged but no bigger gratification than to play a role to perfection.”
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