The release of the movie 'One' starring Mammootty and directed by Santosh Vishwanath has been announced. The movie will hit theaters on the 26th of this month. Mammootty himself announced the release date on Facebook at 11:11 am. Although Mammootty has already appeared on the screen as a political leader and a minister, this is his first time as the Chief Minister of Kerala. It is also a year-long release in the covid setting.
The censorship process of the film was completed days ago. The film received a U certificate without any cuts. The title of the main character played by Mammootty in the film is 'Kadakkal Chandran'. The script is written by Bobby-Sanjay. The film also features Mammootty making his acting debut in a Bobby-Sanjay script.
Most of the filming was completed before covid, but only a few patchworks remained. Along with Mammootty, director Ranjith, Joju George, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Salim Kumar, Gayatri Arun, Murali Gopi, Balachandra Menon, Mamukoya, Shyamaprasad, Alansier, Suresh Krishna and Ishani Krishna are also in the cast. The film is being produced by Sreelakshmi R under the banner of Ichaise Productions.
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