Famous Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has been praised for his humanity beyond the films he has acted in. Many people lost their livelihoods due to the general freeze that was imposed when the corona epidemic spread last year. Many were unable to meet their own relatives and starved. Actor Sonu Sood was one of the most notable figures in the tragedy, despite the help of many others.
He arranged for free return of workers stranded in foreign states during the strike. He also sent some on a separate plane. Sonu Sood, who has been helping without a break, helped mortgage his assets to help those in distress and turned him into a human gem. The entire nation Sees him as a hero.
Although many praised Sonu Sood for his help during the curfew, SpiceJet went one step further and gave him the highest honor. On one of the planes, a picture of Sonu sood with the caption 'A salute to Sonu sood'.
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