Vijay and Pooja Hegde starrer Thalapathy 65 goes on floors today with a mahurat puja at the Sun TV studio in Chennai. Director Nelson Dhilipkumar, Vijay and others were present at the launch ceremony today. However, Pooja Hegde, who is busy with the shooting of her other film in Mumbai, missed being a part of the launch ceremony. Taking to Twitter, she wrote, "Missing out on the muharat puja today of #Thalapathy65 since I’m shooting elsewhere. But my heart and spirit is with the team. Good luck Red heart can’t wait to join you’ll soon."
Recently, there were rumours that makers have cast one more actress as the second lead for the film but a source close to the team denies the same. Clarifying it, the source shares, "Pooja Hegde is the only leading lady in Thalapathy 65. There is no room for any more leading actors in the film, the script doesn’t demand for it." Produced by Sun Pictures, Thalapathy 65 marks Pooja Hegde's maiden collaboration with Master star Vijay. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film has Anirudh Ravichander as the music composer.
Check out the latest tweet of Pooja Hedge about Thalapathy 65 💥💣Pooja!
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